Category Archives: Signs & Graphics

How Signs Influence Consumer Behavior in Marketing

Signage can make or break a customer’s experience with a brand, especially in-store. From enticing color schemes to clearly stated message, signs can either direct consumers and increase revenue or sway them away from your business. While many businesses rely on digital signage, traditional brick-and-mortar stores use the power of physical signs to drive consumer opinions of their business and brand.

Marketing communication via signs is a popular approach to behavior change because it is low-cost, relatively permanent, and easy to target at specific groups of potential consumers. This is a significant advantage over mass media, which broadcasts messages to a broad range of consumers. In fact, research has found that signs can have an influence on behaviors in a wide variety of domains including anti-littering, road traffic, safety belt usage, recycling, and turning off taps or lights.

Unlike linguistic speech acts, however, where the sender intentionally intends to affect the receiver’s behavior, signage is often ad-hoc and not intentional. As a result, it is important to examine the process by which signage influences consumer behavior and what influences the effectiveness of those signals.

Past research has shown that the comprehension process by which a sign leads to an appropriate action representation can take two routes. If the sign is highly familiar, the viewer may go directly to the appropriate action representation, as in the case of the well-known three chasing arrows recycling symbol. The other route occurs when the sign is not familiar, in which case the viewer needs to infer the intended meaning from the context of the sign. The clarity of purpose is an important factor in this inference, and previous studies have found that the clearer a message’s intended meaning is, the more effective the sign is.

The current study aims to further investigate the effectiveness of signage in the face of consumer product choice and decision-making by testing whether a sign’s clarity of intent is more influential than the quantity of information it presents. Five experts rated the complexity of 105 real garden center signs using a Tobii X1 eye-tracker. Participants then viewed these same signs and rated their likeliness to buy (LTB). Results showed that higher coefficient scores were associated with more clarity of purpose, but that the number of items presented was not a significant predictor of LTB.

The study was conducted online with a total of 65 participants who were randomly assigned to one of the four options: “Environmentally friendly behavior”, “Safe community living”,”Health and first aid information” or “None of the above”. They were then presented with 35 different signs using Qualtrics’ randomization function. Each sign was displayed for five seconds and they were then asked a series of questions. The first question tapped Familiarity and asked participants whether they had seen the sign before or not. The second question asked about the clarity of purpose and asked participants to rate how clear or unclear they thought the sign was in its purpose. To learn more about how your business can leverage digital signage to promote its branding and customer experience, speak with a sign professional Fresno signage company.

How a Custom Sign Can Help a Business Stand Out from Competitors

For many businesses, creating an interior signage solution is vital to its success. Interior signage can help advertise special events and promote ongoing initiatives. But it can also promote safety. In areas where visitors could be injured, signage can improve morale and productivity. And for businesses that are not open to the public, signage can help tell the story of the business. Best Value Signs Arlington has the expertise to design and manufacture the perfect solution.

First and foremost, a company logo should be the most prominent sign. Make sure that it is shaped in the same shape and features the same colors as the company’s logo. It should also be placed prominently, so that it grabs attention and creates a memorable impression. Keeping these tips in mind, businesses can create interior signage that reflects their brand image and logo. So, how do you go about designing a good logo?

Investing in custom interior signs is a great way to convey important information to visitors. Restaurants and cafes often use elegant informational signs to highlight their history and honor important individuals. Almost eighty percent of shoppers believe that signs can convey a brand’s personality. Whether it is a logo or dimensional lettering, interior signage can create positive emotions in visitors. A custom sign can help a business stand out from competitors.

Investing in high-quality interior signs for your business can be a worthwhile investment. Not only can they make a business more professional and appealing to customers, but they can also help employees stay safe around equipment and machinery. If properly produced and strategically placed, these signs can help your business make a positive impact on your customers. For example, when employees see a custom-designed sign in the lobby, they will remember your brand and be more likely to return to that space.

For interior signs for businesses, you must determine the layout of your facility. Choose areas that receive a lot of foot traffic. A lobby sign can help new customers navigate through your facility, while an ADA sign can provide the necessary information. Other important areas include the restrooms, cash register, and lobby signs. In addition to lobby signs, wall graphics and acrylic signs can also be used for lobby signage. This type of signage can be highly visible and useful for guiding customers through the building.

In addition to being functional, interior signs for business can help employees and customers find essential points. They add aesthetic appeal to the space and make it easier for customers to find their way around. For example, if the business is located in a multi-tenant building, installing wayfinding signs will improve the wayfinding conditions for office building tenants. KeyElement Signs even offers ADA-compliant and accessibility signs. These signs are not only functional but also add a personal touch.

Indoor signage for businesses is a powerful wayfinding tool in an office setting. Effective indoor signage communicates the business’s story, its product mix, and its brand. Nearly all office buildings use interior signage of some type. Retail businesses and restaurants use indoor signs primarily to promote their products. For all these reasons, interior signage for businesses is essential. If your business is seeking to enhance its image or increase its bottom line, the right signs can help promote it.

ADA-compliant signage is essential to make your business accessible to everyone. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to post signs that are both visually and tactile. Putting ADA-compliant signage in the bathroom or changing room can also help make the environment more welcoming and successful. Fortunately, custom signs don’t cost a fortune, and they add an element of permanence and uniqueness to your store that is hard to match.


The benefits of indoor signage are numerous. They not only direct visitors to the right department in a building, but they can help reinforce your brand identity. Indoor signage can also serve as an effective tool for visual branding, displaying important information, and even creating a seamless brand experience. You can create a customized sign for your business to show off your brand and its services. You can also create an interior signage system for your business, or incorporate your company’s logo and brand into the signage.